artful living spring 2014
artful solitude
Alone for three days and two nights at Kalaloch on Washington's Olympia Peninsula was perfect. I enjoyed beach walks, warm fires, hardly any people, rain and sun, even a terrific storm; I didn't want to leave.
See photos of my peace-filled adventure by clicking on the photo at right or here.
spring garden
Click here to see what spring has sprung in my lakeside gardens. Beauty abounds.
culinary art tradition
This year, I awoke at the ocean on my birthday. I drove dry roads and sunny skies home and was greeted with a heart-shaped, cherry chocolate chip cake.
This cake was the return of a family tradition that had been forgotten for years. As a child I always had a heart-shaped, cherry-chip cake for my February birthday. Raising four kids, Mom found a way to cover three holidays in one cake; President's Day, St. Valentine's Day, and my b-day. Cherry was for the tree a president aledgedly chopped down. The cherry-pink and the heart shape was for Valentine's Day. And the cake was to celebrate my birth.
artful overflow
The forms and colors of the ocean always inspires art.
I hope to carve out time to silk-paint a series inspired by my Kalaloch trip.
artful family
Mom is on a mission to complete as many UFO's as possible this year. UFO's are "unfinished objects." She has finished many knitting projects including the two pairs of socks here.
The vividly colored socks above were yard-dyed in colors inspired by a blue planter with lantana flowers.
Artsy Mom.
more artful living
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spring journal
Click here to link back to spring journal 2014