artful living ~ winter 2013

artful home-studio Christmas decor

Here in the Pacific Northwest we can all use a little color and light to warm our gray winters.


doodle more

I'm learning to slow down and live. Entering rest is not easy but it rewards those who intentionally seek it.

With all the administrative and clerical aspects of being self-employed, my work in art often becomes more "work" than creative expression. To help keep balance and care for my soul, I doodle. I have a wonderful crayon scribble book I started last summer. It is filling up with scribbles by me and by friends. Kids love to draw in my sketchbook, maybe because it includes them in my art.

My bro-in-law Randy and I adopted an expression: "doodle more."
These leaf doodles are my follow-through on our ideal.

I enjoy drawing. It relaxes me. It somehow nourishes me, awakens my creativity. My soul is refreshed when I do a relaxed draw.
Doodling keeps my skills alive.
Doodling brings me to a place of hearing and discovery.
And it's fun.





soft knit color for warm toes

Mom's sock-blank is unravelling in two matching she knits two matching socks. I'm always amazed at how all those tiny loops (with patience) become beautiful hand-knit socks. Since Mom is so good at the knitting part, I'll stick to the dye-coloring part.

See more of Mom's sock-blank story...





beautiful scraps

I always have a few glass scraps and samples in my office window. I never tire of looking at them. And I love how they change with the weather and time of day. See more window sill scraps.


winter greens

I was going to put some photos of my winter garden here, but it's looking pretty be-draggled. Maybe next year I'll plant earlier to give the plants more time to become established. It was a good start. We did eat some lettuce and maybe we'll have survivor peas in early spring.

I have begun my indoor garden starts. At right, tiny cuttings of lantanna have taken root and are sprouting new leaves. They'll be ready to go outside after the last frost. In harmony with Claude Monet, having many beautiful flowers is always part of my living artfully.



new year's paddle

light revealing form
reflected, emitted, transmitted
ice, water, glass
a kayak outing on new year's day

see more photos