spring cleaning 2018
new year ~ new space
For Christmas, I asked (myself) for a clean and orderly workspace. I didn't get it for Christmas, so I decided it could be my birthday gift too. I needed the small multi-use space to function differently and better. It was long overdue.
Long story short, I transformed my tight office, framing, studio space --to functional Order.
the challenge
the dream
I longed for a place for everything, and everything in it's place.
I cut this phrase from an advertisement I found and taped it to my madrona-red door in hopes that it would inspire me. My friend Ryan caught sight of it one day heading out the door. He burst out laughing. Maybe he saw the size of the challenge and thought, "no way that'll ever happen."
The good news is that it did happen.
elbow grease
The mask and gloves went on and the carpet and pad came out.
I put sections of the carpet and pad into our garbage can each week until it was all gone.
I scrubbed the floors with oxyclean and water to remove allergens and dirt. Paint and plaster also lifted revealing a decent plywood subfloor - good enough for a studio and office for now.
I put all my large furniture on casters--easier to reposition for work arrangements, and much easier to clean below and behind now.
studio heaven
It feels like my (self-employed) company moved and started up anew in a brand new space, with a new focus.
Feels like spring perhaps.
This didn't happen overnight. I had to commit to cleaning and remodeling for weeks. You are reading this in a matter of minutes, but it took a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of patience. There was much problem-solving -- like where to place the phones, what to keep, what to change, what to sell or toss. I placed and covered cables and cords for safety and less clutter. I "mobilized" my desktop computer monitor so I can use it at my desk but also near my drawing table - to view reference photos.
And I found that moving my metal flat files to their new best location then partially blocked the router signal to the rest of the house. So then I needed a range extender.
It started out fun, became hard, then finally was rewarding.
So I share my joy here - the results. But it was a long time coming.
Click here to visit spring journal