summer-fall journal 2016


Summer was sunny and warm and went by too quickly. The sunny warm days still feel like Summer except that the sun goes down earlier now. So we'll call it "summer-fall."


wellsprings imagery selected for East Olympia public art

In July, I proposed art imagery to be reproduced on vinyl wraps to cover one of ten East Olympia traffic boxes.

THANK YOU, VOTERS ! I'm grateful for the many facebook "likes" (votes) which placed me officially number eight--within the winning top ten. And so on October 26, the City of Olympia announced that my work will be purchased for display.

I'm pleased to have my artwork in a public place here in my hometown. When the art wraps are installed on traffic boxes, I'll be sure to photograph mine and post images in my journal here.

The original artwork in dye-painted silk was inspired by the McAllister Springs artesian wells which supply water to Olympia. A reproduction of the work (in vinyl) will be adhered to a traffic box in East Olympia.


history of wellsprings

I actually created this image years back for the City of Olympia, but in a different context. That call was for interior artwork for the new Olympia City Hall Building. But maybe now Olympia will display the same work in different setting.  Click here to read more about "Wellsprings."






sensational summer silk sessions

This group of artists created wonderfully beautiful silk artworks. Click to see more July 30 silk workshop photos





silk-in-glass commission

I'm pleased to announce my first completed installation of silk laminated within glass. The artwork fills the spaces between open trusses of a residential interior. The photo at right two of four panels. Click to see more.





artful living

The colors of summer are peeking into fall. Click here to see more photos...




featured links



Land and Sea Passage

As students, faculty, and visitors enter Gilson Middle School in Valdez, Alaska, they are greeted by a vibrant suspended mural--over 26 feet wide. Read more...



Macroscape Slides

Three new glass artworks resembling over-sized microscope slides measure two feet high by six feet wide. Each artwork is uniquely created in mouth-blown art glass laminated onto dichroic float glass. They are installed in the Margaret Murie Life Sciences Building at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.



Illuminated Passage

This suspended mural of dye-painted silk measures over 300 square feet. For Liberty Middle School in Spanaway, Washington, it depicts junior high years in a metaphor of a river passing through a canyon.
I love it. It turned out to be all I hoped for and more. Read more...



Experimental Image Glass

I continue to collaborate with Seattle glassblower Jim Flanagan to create gently abstracted imagery within colored glass. Click here or on the photo at right to see our most recent sheets of blown glass (and scroll down, as the newest work is near the bottom). 



Tree of Life

Commissioned for a thriving church in the town of Dunwoody, near Atlanta, Georgia.






This mural in dye-painted silk was commissioned for Katchemak Bay Campus of Kenai Peninsula College of the University of Alaska. Discovery was installed in Homer, Alaska, in June of 2012. Read more...



Generations: Incubation

Kenai Peninsula College etched mouth-blown glass public art installation

Click here to read about Generations.

Here is a link to KPC installation photos




stone impressions - watch the art-making process on video

People often ask me how I create a stone lithograph. It's hard to explain in words so I have a short video that shows the process.

Click here for photos and video on stone impressions.





2011 nest images on cotton paper

Click here to see photos of ten new images completed in January 2011




song project - upward call

Read about our spring 2011 kids' pop song project at upward call. Or click on the photo at right to listen to the song or buy it...




silk rivers

Check out my recent river silks inspired by and modeled after the beautiful Fremont antique glass we used for the Kenai Peninsula College installation.




My Grandma's name, Florence, means "to flower" as in the sense of a blossom. And 2012's flowers were an explosion of color. See photos in her memory...



 Be silk scarves

gallery of Be silk scarves
significance in Be-ing
silk care
displaying silk



past journals